The wealth of letters which Vincent wrote to his brother Theo inspired Henk Schut to create this installation in the public space. The central feature in the Van Gogh Mile is a ‘Red Line’. Running five metres above the ground, this forms a literal connection between the Van Gogh Museum and the Hermitage, where Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings temporarily hung. Just as Van Gogh viewed reality for his paintings through a perspective grid, so the ‘Red Line’ directs where you look as you walk the Van Gogh Mile. En route installations were placed in shops and behind windows and an app gave yet another dimension to the promenade.
The Van Gogh Mile is one of the best works of art ever to adorn the public space: it is distinctly indistinct. Schut has made the route between the Van Gogh and the Hermitage – a half hour walk – even more intense through quotes from letters from Van Gogh on nine spots which can be heard through speakers. NRC Handelsblad
For more press, follow this link. Realized in collaboration with David Kat and the Van Gogh Museum. Supported by the VSB Fund and the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.